Baptist High

School, Jos

Naraguta Road,

Jos, Plateau

Baptist High

School, Jos

Naraguta Road,

Jos, Plateau

Great Leaders from Baptist High School, Jos




Baptist High School, Jos has produced many industrious and illustrious personalities who are making great strides in their various vocations and professions. These products are automatically members of the Jos Baptist High School Old Students Association. Represented at the Advisory Board of the school by the National President, the old students are making enormous impact upon the school.

They organise the yearly Founders Day, every February;

They take part in school programmes such as Christmas Carol and old student races at the Inter-House.

CANDLELIGHT SERVICE, a significant tradition of the school is sponsored, organized and anchored by the National Body as part of the graduation activities. It is a very symbolic ceremony where the outgoing seniors take turns to recite a verse or portion of the scripture on light (or life), light a candle on the cross and ensure their candles keep glowing. The incoming seniors (current SS2) with their unlit candles, march out, light their candles from the cross and proceed with their candles burning. At the end of the service, the graduating students march out of the school gate led by the old students while the Board and PTA lead the incoming seniors out of the chapel.

Through their set reunions, the old students always whet the appetite of the current students. They know there will always be that special lunch or dinner whenever a set comes around. In addition, each returning set gives back to the school by way of a set project. Most notable of recent are:

1984 - borehole

1985 - gangways

1986- renovation of the clinic

1987 - renovation of one of the basketball courts

1988 - furnishing and equipping the e-library

1990 - spectator stand by the football field

1991- renovating the chapel

1992- donation of 10 computers and accessories

1994- donation of 10 computers

1995- renovation of the JSS 3 Block

1996 - renovation of SS 2 Block

1997 – renovation of the library

1998- renovation of the SS 1 Block

1999- donation of 10 computers

2000 - donation of books

2002- donation of 2 TV Set, basketball and soccer jerseys

2003- donation of shelf and books to library

2004 - donation of books and a reference reading table

2005 - donation of relaxation seats for offices

2006 - donation of books

2007- donation of deep freezer and a projector with its accessories.

2008 – donation of projector and deep freezer

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